Gain actionable insights to fine-tune your pricing strategy and stay competitive in the market.
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Track a million SKUs across 100 competitors? We’re in!
Achieve up to 95%+ data accuracy and unbeatable match coverage rates.
View only real-world data, without any statistical smoothening or plugging of gaps.
Leverage AI to match identical, similar, and private-label product matching.
Scrutinize match rates, track data freshness, and independently manage product matches.
Our global team of pricing experts are available round the clock for support and guidance.
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Combine pricing insights with in-depth information on the strengths and weaknesses of your product assortment.
Draw in-depth insights from analyzing your competitors' online promotions and react optimally.
Harnessing noisy and unstructured data from the web to generate meaningful insights is hard. Luckily, we've cracked the code.
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